Chin-Lushai Conference

Chin-Lushai Conference
Fort William, the 29th January 1892. 
At the final meeting of the Chin-Lushai Conference held at Fort William, on 29th January 1892.
The Hon’ble Sir Charles Alfred Elliot, K.C.S.I.,
Lieutenant-Governor of Bengal
His Excellency Lieutenant-General of the Hon’ble Sir J.C. Dormer, K.C.B.,
Commander-in-Chief, Madras
Sir Alexander Maekenzie, K.C.S.I., Chief Commissioner of Burma
W.E. Ward Esger, C.S.I., Chief Commissioner of Assam
Sir Henry Mortimer Durand, K.C.I.K., C.S.I.
Secretary to the Government of India, Foreign Department.
Major-General Sir James Browne, K.C.S.I., C.B., R.E.,
Quarter Master General in India
The following Resolutions were passed:
1. The majority of the Conference are of opinion that it is very desirable that the whole tract of country known as the Chin-Lushai Hills should be brought under one Administrative head as soon as this can be done. They also consider it advisable that the new Administration should be subordinate to the Chief Commissioner of Assam.

2. The Conference is not prepared to assert that this step can be taken immediately.

3. The first thing to be done for the control of this tract is to improve the communications between the important places such as Cachar and Aijal, Aiujat and Lungleh, Aijal and Manipur.

4. The Conference is of opinion that the boundaries of the new administrative area should be, generally speaking, the boundaries of the tract occupied by the savages newly brought under British control.

5. The Conference is agreed that North and South Lushai, with such portions of the Arracan Hill Tracts as may hereafter be determined, should be placed under Assam at once on the condition that:
[A] complete transport and commissariat equipment for supplies from Chittagong to South Lushai, and from Cachar to North Lushai, and provided;
[B] funds are granted for road and telegraph from Aijal to Lungleh.
(Signed) C.A. ELLIOTT.
(Signed) J.C. DORMER,Lieut.-Genl.
(Signed) A. MACKENZIE.
(Signed) W. E. WARD.
(Signed) H. M. DURAND.
(Signed) E. H. H. COLLEN.
(Signed) JAMES BROWNE, Maj.-Genl.

(Source: “Foreign Department Report on Chin-Lushai Hills,” September 1892 (reprint 1980), No 32)

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